App Support: the evolution of transaction SU53 in SAP Fiori

Posted by Marta Ortona on May 10, 2024 12:00:00 AM

With the transition to SAP Fiori, transaction SU53 has been replaced with App Support, a new tool helps to analyze and solve configuration problems and authorization errors in the SAP Fiori Launchpad.



It consists in downloading a file that reports failed authorization checks for the user. Once analyzed is it is possible to identify the authorizations that should be integrated in the roles.

The tool offers the following features:

  • Check configuration errors
  • Check app errors
  • Download log and forward to the administrator
  • Display other users logs


1. User encounters an authorization error

A tipical SAP authorization issue is shown as described in the following error messages and the user isn’t able to continue the activity. Often in the error message are already reported which authorizations are missing, especially in case of authorization objects



2. Select "App Support"

Click on the User Icon (top right) then «App Support»


3.  Download file

It appears a screen with the info of the app used. Download Logs file


4. Log error file

The file reports the failed authorization checks as the SU53 screen and other informations. The tool

The downloaded file reports the failed authorization checks just like the SU53 screen and other informations. The tool executes checks related to the typical error that the Fiori Apps could have, as authorizations error, Gateway errors and Odata services errors. Checks depend on the used app.



N.B. In SAP Fiori it’s necessary that the user has assigned all the necessary apps to perform his activity. Assign SAP_ALL doesn’t help to figure out what other app should be added to a role, but only to identify the necessary authorization objects.

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