From SAP_BASIS 7.40 SP16 SAP has been release a new tool for trace user authorization "long-term" trace.
What is it and how works?
From SAP_BASIS 7.40 SP16 SAP has been release a new tool for trace user authorization "long-term" trace.
What is it and how works?
There are several workflows that this tool provides.
Some of these are standard and cannot be changed, while others leave ample room for customization.
What are the points of attention when deciding which steps and how many to include in various workflows?
We will discuss about them in this article.
Topics: SAP GRC
In order to perform a risk analysis in SAP and even non-SAP systems, you can use the SAP GRC Access Control tool.
Through the Access Risk Analysis module.
Topics: SAP GRC
What does it mean? What is it used for and how can it be done in SAP systems?
Are there only advantages or also disadvantages?
In SAP there may be some language problems. Certainly there may be additional difficulties.
But even this in some situations can turn into a headache. Let's see how and why!
How to search for a Fiori application in your launchpad? How to find it in the SAP Fiori Library?
What are some useful tips? Read this article to find out!
When introducing S/4HANA, a Front End Server (FES) must be introduced in case of using APPs instead of classic transactions.
Can FES be in the cloud even if we have ERP on premise? What are the points of attention when defining an authorization model in this context?
Are you using or need to implement the SAP FIORI system?
The SAP FIORI interface is also used for S/4HANA. Read here to verify or have verified what the security configurations are!
With the introduction of S/4HANA, the Fiori interface becomes a de facto standard.
Although it is still possible to still use the GUI interface at the moment, it may be useful to know what the main elements are in the area of roles and authorizations in SAP Fiori.
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