Onboarding security

Posted by Klea Duro on May 24, 2024 12:00:00 AM

What does the onboarding process mean and why can it also be important in SAP security process management?




How much can being " trained" from the start on these issues help over the time you spend in the company?

What is meant by Onboarding?

This is the process that every company goes through when a new employee joins the company. There are many different ways of doing this. In my experience I have seen several from:

  • Those who do almost nothing, leaving "the burden to fellow volunteers"
  • Those who take introductory courses about the company in general (e.g., what we produce, how, a tour of the offices or plants)
  • Those who, in addition to doing one or more sessions, also do specific training on processes and procedures including at the company data security level(at the beginning and over time)

I think it is especially important at this stage to see, in addition to a tour of the company, those aspects that actually form the company's information management processes from a data protection perspective.


It is common, in fact, to be overwhelmed by procedures, processes, which are purely related to the business in question, without discussing aspects of how the company's information is managed.

Remember that certain types of training may be subject to tax benefits from the corporate side.


What are the important issues?


You can go into a little more detail regarding SAP, often these are concepts that clearly apply to other business application software  as well.


In this case it might be useful to recall at least the following issues:

  • What are the authentication policies, i.e., "how do you access the systems"? Is there an enterprise Single Sing On service, or do you still work with passwords in the various systems? Or password managers? Or hybrid scenarios?

  • What to do when an employee needs specific access?

  • What environments are in place?

  • What information is critical and how should it be managed/exchanged?

  • Are there constraints on the allocation of certain system functionality? For example, by separation of duties (SoD - Segregation Of Duties) or by specific functionality from system administrators?

Have you already thought about how to improve this process? Do you think there are other activities you can undertake? Write in the comments!




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