How to search for an APP in SAP FIORI?

Posted by Klea Duro on Aug 9, 2024 8:15:00 AM

How to search for a Fiori application in your launchpad? How to find it in the SAP Fiori Library?




What are some useful tips? Read this article to find out!

Search bar

A first way is to use the search bar, which, in the case of Fiori Launchpad is located in the upper right corner.


Barra di ricerca SAP


In this case, it is possible to filter by the object type to be searched for


Barra di ricerca SAP_APP


Since in the Fiori Launchpad it is also possible to search for many other objects.


Tips!!! In case you are searching for an APP through the title (or description of the APP), you need to pay attention to the logon language with which you logged in. In fact, if you search for an APP through its description in Italian, you may not find it if you are logged in in English.


APP catalog

Through this function you can as well search for APPs available in your catalogs but perhaps not displayed in the launchpad. To reach this function you need to press on your user icon in the upper right corner.




Then select either "App Finder" or "App Search" in Italian. Again, you can search (see highlighted search section below) for an app in your catalogs and eventually display it in the launchpad.




By clicking on the "thumbtack" button, the APP can be inserted within a new or existing one.




For searching, it is possible through typing the code for transactions or through APP description for APP Fiori.


SAP Fiori Library

Through the Fiori library, which we have already discussed (SAP FIORI Library), you can see if a certain APP exists (perhaps you have been given directions by some colleague) and more importantly you can see if it is available in your release.


SAP Fiori Library


In fact, not all APPs in the library are present in all S/4HANA releases.



Topics: sap FIORIfiori launchpad

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